Monday, March 12, 2007

When the world arrives....

When the word arrives at your door, what do you do?

I started writing this blog for myself and some friends who tend to rely on me for wine and food recommendations.

But now, "other" people are reading it.

I installed Google's Analytics package and it tells me how many, and roughly where they are.

It is more than I suspected.

I can take it quiet, take the blog off "public", so you have to know the address to go to it, or I can leave it as is.

Now this is not that anonymous - anyone who can use Google can figure out who I am pretty quickly. Someone who can use Google and knows the ways of the net can figure out just about any handle. But the idea of taking a semi private thing, and acknowledging it as public, is a big step.

I am going to think about it.

What do you think? There is a way to comment below.


Anonymous said...

Ahhh leave it public. The world needs your words.

Brewnoser said...

Other feedback, not published, concurs. I needed to re-read the first post I made. I'll hoist one with you soon. In the meantime, I'm staying public.