Sunday, October 29, 2006

Wine of the Week, October 29, 2006

This week, I'm going to a white wine. Find this one and buy it, because it won't be around for much longer. I saw a bunch at the Joseph Howe store on my recent mystery wine quest.

Oddly, the wine was featured at the recent show despite having recently been delisted. Sounds like the NSLC's left hand didn't know what the right hand was doing....

Feudo Arancio, Grillo, 2004. In a clear glass bottle with a sun-like graphic on the label. Honeyed nose, with some perfumy aromatic, and frankly, enticing aromas coming off as it warms a bit. Clean white wine with a fairly full body and some fir tree, a bit of rancio, and pineapple fruit. Not boring, and worth way more than the $9.00 a bottle they are clearing it out at.

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