Sunday, October 29, 2006

The Great Mystery Wine Search

In Quebec, and in Ontario, and in... wait for it..... New Brunswick (the NSLC HATES to be bettered by our cousins to the west), the Provincial Government Liquor monopolies all have web sites where you can search out a product and find out which store it is in, and based on a recent inventory (usually the night before) know how many bottles are in stock.

Our own thinks they have the same capability. I thought they did. But they don't.

Yesterday, I embarked on a voyage to find two wines from the Port of Wines Show. The leftovers, so to speak. Both were entered in the website database ( if you care to try it out, fwiw).

The first search indicated that 22 bottles of one wine I wanted were at the Bayers Lake store, the new designer perfume company look-alike store. The second wine purportedly sat out on the shelves at the Joseph Howe Drive store, a dozen bottles. (the wines were the Domaine Jean Bousquet Malbec, and the Didier Vin de Pays D'Oc)

At Bayers Lake, a employee (he was really trying to help) looked high and low, and concluded that the wine might not exist. His system said it was there, all 22 bottles. But it was not there in this dimension of the time space continuum. At Joseph Howe they had never heard of the wine I was looking for, but I don't know if they even were looking for the right wine, as they would not let me check what came up on their search screen.

Both wines are available in New Brunswick, where I'll be for the big show this weekend (wearing my "judge pass") so I'll just buy them there (cheaper too). Yes, it is NB 1, NS 0 on this count.

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