Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Drinking in expensive places.... The MD tours Tuscany

A planned work trip to China got put on hold, and there suddenly appeared two blank weeks on my calendar. What to do? I know, instead of earning good money for two weeks, let's spend good money for a bit less time than that!

A well timed email to Mark DeWolfe of Bytheglass fame found me being offered a pretty good deal to tour Tuscany with him, his sidekick Geppetto, and several other friends for a bit more than a week in Italy's most famous wine region.

I am not into travelogues. But here are some truisms I came to understand.

1. Gelato is simply better there.
2. Pizza Margherita is simply better there.
3. Italian redheads are goddesses.
4. Sangiovese is a pretty rockin' grape.
5. There is a LOT of money in wine.
6. Don't use garlic more than a very little bit in your food.
7. When you cook, do it with PASSION!!
8. Italian white wines are so under-appreciated.
9. Stay in a Villa in a vineyard at least once in your life.
10. When on a wine tour, have a driver.

I spent a lot of money, and came back with almost nothing but the knowledge that I could go back again. Quite the week.

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