Monday, August 04, 2008

Commercial Free TV!

I broke down this past month and joined the big screen TV generation. I even did the painful work of getting it all set up so the sound could run through my stereo. So now I have a miniature movie theatre in the house.

We have not bothered with television for some time. No cable in 12 years, and that will stay. But the DVD rentals have usually been mostly L's doing, feeding her interest in the movie genre.

Meanwhile I have managed to remain almost gleefully ignorant of anything related to reality TV (nope, never seen more than a glimpse of Survivor, Dancing with the Stars, American or Canadian or Turkish Idol.)

But I have occasionally heard about television series that are a cut above the average. With real writers, and not the WWF level of entertainment offered by the "reality" series.

The first one that came into my sphere of awareness was Six Feet Under. OK, I liked that. Odd premise, but once you got invested in the characters, it worked as entertainment, and as a reason to sit down and get lost in for an hour or so an evening.

But now, with my newly pimped up AV delivery system, I can be even more rewarded when I indulge in this genre.

So, on a whim (after having had a few drinks) I bought the first season of Dexter. The show about the serial killer who has a code instilled in him by his adopted father (the Batman theme regurgitated, I know, but it still works). I watched Dexter knock off other killers who apparently deserved it more than he did for a week, and the season was over.

Now it is Veronica Mars, traded to me for Dexter. (I wonder how long I can continue trading series like this?) Again, not bad, if a bit cute, and sometimes (but not always) predictable. This show gives its rewards via the age old tenet of revenge. We all like it when bad people get what they deserve, even if it is at the hands of a smart ass little blonde who, in the real world, would have been put into hospital about 12 times by now, and I'm only half way through the season. (late edit - I was happy to see that finally someone did kick her biddy lil smart ass a bit).

Music concert videos are cool when it is loud, sounds good, and looks great! Not the same as being there, but there is no dope smoke, no puke on the stairs, and the beers only cost $2, plus they are real beers, not Lite anything, and the seats are comfy.

But the best part - no commercials. The only commercials I see any more are when the Cannes Awards clips come through town. And then there are so many, I forget 3/4 of them anyway.

Well, it is about time for another episode of Veronica. I am secretly hoping she is knocked off in the show - they do say these new series do things like that. But somehow, I doubt it will happen - her contract probably went past this season.

Now, if I could only buy a TV show as a pay per view every now and then (like The Masters) I'd be all set!


Anonymous said...

No spoilers, but Veronica Mars did run for three seasons, so that gives you a hint as to whether she survives. Unfortunately, the awesomeness of season 1 was brought down by a so-so season 2 and a lame-ass season 3. (But if you are curious, you can borrow the later seasons from me.)

Brewnoser said...

By the time I actually finish all of season 1, I'll have watched more TV than I have in the past 5 years.

Seasons 2 and 3 would be a monumental challenge. And with the level of support they are getting from like minded people, I'll probably get them a pass.

Might take you up on Season 2, though. L likes it.