Sunday, September 03, 2006

Hello Cruel World

The rants of a madman, or just the opinions of the opinionated. Somewhere in between, perhaps?

This blog chronicles what is happening in Halifax Nova Scotia, and the surrounding communities, in the beer and wine business, restaurants, and, just to be contrary, music and urban design, when I feel like it, and from my perspective.

There is a special almost unending source of ridicule available to the cynic in Nova Scotia, because our liquor industry is run, or at least controlled, by a government appointed pseudo-monopoly run by people who basically know little if anything about the products they sell. Other than that they like to consume them themselves, of course. And get free trips all over the world.

Anyway, with respect to booze - my motto is "You care about what you drink, don't you? After all, you put it in your mouth!"

Some other things I have learned: "Have a reason for everything you do." and

"Conventional wisdom is always wrong, haven't you ever been to a convention?"

It is September 3, 2006. The wine show season is just starting........

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